About us

As we considered how to bless the Land, the dream of importing works of art from there reawakened in our hearts.

We are Christine and Dave Hunt. We shared our first kiss in Jerusalem while on a tour. (Dave was on a special photo assignment which resulted in 288 ruined prints from "gifted" film that turned out to be expired.) Five days after we returned to the US, December 3rd, we became engaged, and we married the following Spring.

Soon after completing his degree in communications with a minor in art, Dave was recruited to write a one-act musical based on the Book of Ruth to present to the local synagogues in Michigan as a fundraiser for United Jewish Appeal.

Then life happened. We raised our four sons (three are living) and pursued our livelihoods—Christine in Education and Dave in Marketing and Advertising. (We’re currently expecting our tenth grandchild in December.) In all the busyness, Israel drifted into the rear-view mirror of our lives.

Now, in the 2020s, we’ve redirected our focus to Israel. As we considered how to bless the Land, the decades-old dream of importing art from there reawakened in our hearts. We invite you to join us on an adventure to Israel through the creativity of the people living there.

Special tribute: This website, in fact this entire endeavor, is dedicated to the memory of our son, David A Hunt Jr. We lost him to the fentanyl epidemic December 3, 2019. Throughout his struggles with mental health and addiction, David Jr always managed to find a hopeful word for another, to bring encouragement, humor and friendship to people who were in greater need than himself. His musical gift was remarkable, and his love of nature kept him going. We love you, Son.

Dave & Christine Hunt